Everything you need to know about heatstroke

Most of the time, heatstroke occurs when someone is working, exercising, or just sitting in a hot place for too long. Also known as sunstroke, heatstroke is a serious condition and must be considered an emergency.

Fast facts on heatstroke:

  • Heatstroke is a difficult condition and can be lethal. Nausea, mental changes, and dizziness are some of the symptoms.
  • Heatstroke occurs when the body temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius and the body loses the ability to cool down.
  • Heatstroke can be brought on by physical exertion in hot conditions or simply by being in a hot environment.
  • Treating heatstroke focuses on bringing body temperature down. Some people are more likely to get heatstroke, including young people, older adults, and overweight people.


  • High body temperature
  • Mental changes
  • Nausea:
  • Color change
  • Breathing

Heatstroke is a serious condition, and professional medical help must be sought immediately. Book Dr. Chaitanya Challa appointment today.

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